Thanks to Barry from Essex who correctly identified it as Swanage - good work Barry! - and well done to our anonymous responder who got the grid ref pretty well spot on. The one we'll be using is SZ 033 077 - Its on 'Isle of Wight Road' - the path up to Durlston Country Park which should soon be once again fully open, having been partially closed during renovation works at the Castle.
Here's another easy one to have a go at...
Answer will follow in a couple of days....if I remember
Nice to get a mention, thanks.
Serious guess now, after a bit of googling, is it around SZ 034 773?
A bit further round to the West, just past the lighthouse. Its at SZ 0275 7688 although the sign will show six figures: SZ 028 769.
I'll pop a photo up tomorrow of the same spot looking back the other way.
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