Wednesday 13 February 2008

The Trees

Before any plans for the Coastguard Station were ever submitted the Town Council were undertaking a tree survey on all their land including those trees in the North Beach car park. The trees were found to be unsuitable for the location due to their height and the types of roots they have (Im told the roots cause alot of damage). The work would be carried out whether the station was there or not.

At the site meeting held last August alot of time was spent discussing the trees as we wanted to ensure if the trees were going to be cut down, that they be replaced as soon as possible to ensure both privacy for local residents and that enviromental issues were addressed, it was at this time the tree work was considered to be done at the same time as any building work.

Lots of money and advice was sought about these trees including an independent survey, even the Planning Committee had a look on their visit.

This week I chased up how things were going with the building only to find there has been a problem..........the trees!

It would appear the District Council appear unhappy about the trees and are again looking at who was meant to sort them out......(AAAAAAHHHHHHH)

Im pleased to say, the project team are working hard to resolve the issue.

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