Sunday 25 May 2008


The team underwent their MCA Medicals yesterday.

Following the usual height, weight, blood pressure, eyes, and ears assessments we were asked to do something different??? The mind boggles at this point. The nurse requested that we do what can be only be described as a ‘little dance’ in front of her- a bit like the Can-Can really! Apparently this was to test our ‘range of movement’.

Now normally I don’t mind a little boogie at the end of the night but at 9:30 in the morning I wasn’t sure. Unfortunately for me, Austen had turned up who thought my whole performance was side splittingly funny, so much so that he sat there convulsing with laughter but not actually making a noise.

Anyway, the whole team passed their medicals / dance assessments , so well done chaps…perhaps we should do the Can-Can at the carnival?

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