Thursday 6 June 2024

We shall remember them

 It was an honour last night to lead the Swanage Coastguard Team to a location to the east of Corfe Castle where eighty years ago in 1944 a bomber returning from France tragically crashed and exploded with the loss of all nine crew members on board. 

The United States Army Air Force B-24H Liberator (28838) “Misery Agent” returned with a full payload as there was total cloud over the target area of Caen.  Sadly as it flew over Norden Farm the aircraft ran out of fuel and crashed. 

We were  joined by local author of “Wartime Purbeck” Bob Bunyar  who had previously placed a wreath at this location. 

On the eightieth anniversary of D Day we took some time to remember this young air crew who were lost. 

The memorial made by Terry recording the names and service  numbers of the crew lost on the 6th June 1944 

A small simple memorial created by ‘Westie” to ensure the memory of the nine crew lives on. 


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