Saturday 7 October 2023

Milo rescued from the cliff

 Swanage, St Albans and Kimmeridge Coastguard teams were tasked yesterday to the Downs after Milo the dog took a trip over the edge and ended up about 70ft below. 

The Coastguard teams came together to set up their rope equipment and sent a Coastguard Rescue Technician down with the specialist dog equipment.  Milo a black Labrador was out for a walk with their owner when he decided to take a path over the cliff. 

Milo was safely recovered from a ledge and brought back to their very grateful owners. 

During the incident the Kimmeridge team were tasked to the Arne area to assist South Western Ambulance with a medical incident. 

Milo safely back at the top which his owner 

The Coastguard team deploying down the cliff to rescue Milo. 

1 comment:

Paul said...

Brings back memories of our experience, well done guys. Stay safe.