Friday, 20 April 2018

Behind the scenes

Our busy spell over Easter seems to have quietened down this week, but that doesn't mean the team hasn't been busy behind the scenes:

MONDAY:  Tidy up of kit and station after Sunday's incident.  Casualty came back to see us and to collect personal belongings.

TUESDAY: SO and DSO on station; tasked to investigate something in the bay.

WEDNESDAY: Visit from 20 members of Swanage NCI and a talk about our roles and joint working.

THURSDAY: Training night including some first aid work. New PPE had been delivered so this was unpacked and labelled.

FRIDAY: Our 4x4 off to the garage for maintenance.

So, as you'll see, it's not all blue lights and rescues - there's quite a lot goes on behind the scenes to keep the station ticking over.

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