Saturday, 8 June 2013

Busy day for Coastguard

The initial response team (IRT) were tasked just before 8pm this evening to a report of a red speed boat sunk at Shell Bay at Studland.

On arrival the speed boat was almost submerged and it appeared it had been abandoned earlier in the afternoon. Having liaised with the National Trust it was decided to anchor the boat to the shore line to ensure it would not drift out into the shipping lane on the approach to Poole Harbour.

Various items were recovered from the water and stacked to ensure the owners would recover them at some point.

Having completed that incident the IRT were driving down Studland beach when they noticed a sailing dinghy struggling at the Knoll Beach slip way so proceeded to investigate. The sole occupant was struggling recovering his dinghy and was very grateful for assistance.

As finally the IRT returned to Swanage our close working relationship with the other emergency services worked when we were made aware of a serious medical incident on a camp site in Swanage. We are very lucky that we have Chris in the team who is a second year student paramedic and even with basic kit he was able to tend to the male very quickly.

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