Saturday, 2 March 2013

Cliff Rescue, Geology, and Mr Whippy

The other day we were training on the recreation ground, it's a very gentle grassy slope that allows us to see what the cliff technician is doing and to practice cliff rescue in slow time.

To give it 'edge' (excuse the pun) we call it 'The Cliff of Certain Death', but the worst that can happen is someone gets grass stains on their knees, .... or falls through the back wall of the ice cream hut into the Mr Whippy machine.

Brian was the Cliff Tech, and on this occasion he decided to take Chris - our Paramedic over the top.

Brian and Chris dressed in full PPE tackle 'The Cliff Of Certain Death' .

Once the cliff technicians have mastered this its onto the cliffs for real! Swanage has a varied geology and every cliff brings different risk factors, so we're budding geologists also!

Or is it Geomorphologists?

Brian, this time dressed as a lion - he's no stranger at the ice cream hut. 

1 comment:

John B said...

Brian has just a flake to add,hundreds & thousands and the strawberry sauce topping!!
Yum Yum.. time to enjoy.