Saturday, 9 April 2011

Grand National

Ok ok it's not Coastguard related.

But Coastguard Oscar's big tip for the Grand National this afternoon is "Oscar Time".

On the nose, or each way this horse is a winner. ;-) ...perhaps!

Ian has agreed that if any one loses out on my betting tip that he'll refund the stake, which is very generous.

Here's a piccy of Austen doing the Tic Tac (betting language) I think he's offering odds of 7 to 1 on that Rid washes his car this week, either that or he's ordering a 12" pepperoni with double cheese.


Occasional Blog said...

7-1? I'll have a pound at that price

CG said...

Have 2 pounds. Ian has agreed to cover any losses. In fact have 10 pounds and eachway it.