Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Exercise Purbeck

Anyone around Norden Park & Ride tomorrow morning might be a little concerned whats going on? Probably a line of Police,Fire and Ambulances (oh and the Coastguard) vehicles, ready to head down to Wytch Farm.

Wytch Farm? what is that a large farm? Yes there is a farm there but its BP's Wytch Farm gathering station, IE where BP pump oil out the ground and send it off for processing.
Tomorrow is an exercise to test the emergency services and see if the "plan" goes right.

This year is the 1st year that Coastguard ground units have been invited as its been identified that during an incident the heath might need to be evacuated so that's our role to be tested!

So if you hear the emergency alarms at 09.00 tomorrow morning its a test (I hope)

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